June 20, 2012

today's words...

If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love & how to open your heart & eyes to things.

Make everyday count. Appreciate every moment & take from those moments everything you could possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before & actually listen... Let yourself fall in love again, break free, and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right too.

Tell yourself that you are a great individual & believe in yourself. For if you don't believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you. You can make your life anything you wish.....Create your own life & then go out & live it with absolutely NO REGRETS. Most importantly, if you love someone tell him or her, for you NEVER know what tomorrow may have in store. And learn a lesson in life each day you live.

Today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday.... Was it worth it?

i don't miss capital, i miss them.

we spent 3 months together..we did anything together..well, almost anything if you understand what i'm saying. hahahaha :D
after three months of togetherness, and after i came back to my hometown, i miss those feeling when i'm with them.. i miss their kindness, i miss the way they talking, i miss the way we sing a song, i miss those laughs, i miss backpacking with them, i miss how easily i can talk about anything with them. I MISS THEM!

and i'm not talking about any other relationship. i'm talking about this friendship we build.
we are not friends anymore. we are family. :)


June 11, 2012

today's reminder

never make people a priority when you're just an option in theirs.

June 10, 2012

this song's hold unfinished memory

I love you, say we're together baby, you and me
I can only give my life and show you all I am
in the breath I breathe
I will promise you my heart
and give you all you need if it takes some time
and if you tell me you don't need me anymore
that our love won't last forever
I will ask you for a chance to try again
to make our love a little better,
I love you, say we're together baby,
say we're together, oh
I need you, I need you forever baby, you and me
You say you hardly know exactly who I am
so hard to understand
But I knew right from the start, the way I felt inside,
if you read my mind
and if you tell you don't need me anymore
that our love won't last forever, no
I will ask you for a chance to try again
to make our love a little better
I love you, say we're together baby,
say we're together, oh
I need you, I need you forever baby, you and me
Remember when you used to hold me,
remember when you made me cry
You said you loved me, oh, you did, yes you did
I love you, say we're together, baby, say we're together, oh
I need you, I need you forever, baby, you and me.

forgive. forget.

some says always forgive but never forget.
some says we should forgive and forget.
some says never forgive never forget.
which one's yours?

i had a dream...

so, last night was quite funny..
i woke up this morning realize that some people shows up in my dream.
they're all the people i missed, and haven't seen them in, well, 1 month. hahaha
i don't know why they suddenly came into my dream, but one thing for sure, i'm more than happy met them even only in a dream.

and it's sunday, HAPPY SUNDAY HAPPY PEOPLE. xoxo

June 09, 2012

what's left behind

we were best friends. we were family. we were brothers and sisters. we were twins. we were everything we wanted to be.
and after everything, all the good times all the bad times, you guys leave. one by one.
what happened to "best friends stays forever"? what happened to "we won't leave each others"?

and what's hurt the most is, we act like we don't know each others but deep down inside we hold onto the same memories.
two years just to find out you're all strangers.